Commercial law, corporate goverment

Some companies have their own legal departments, others outsource this area. Sometimes even internal legal departments need the support of external lawyers in their daily work. In all such cases, we help our clients. We work directly with board members, managerial staff and in-house lawyers.  

What we do?

This practice includes, inter alia, following actions:

  • reviewing / editing and negotiating economic contracts,
  • service of statutory bodies (Assemblies, Meetings, Councils, Management Boards),
  • editing labor law documentation,
  • representation of organizations in disputes, including commercial, employment and intellectual property etc.,
  • providing opinions on legal issues,
  • tax advisory,
  • implementation of new legal regulations.

Who is the specialization for?

This specialization is aimed at companies that want to outsource the day-to-day legal issues of their organization to external experienced attorneys-at-law or advocates. Also companies that have their own legal departments need our support when there is too much work at a given time or a specific type of issues beyond the competence of the team.  


Find out about our achievements in the field of economic and commercial law, and corporate consulting.

Contact your specialist

Rafał Kwaśnik


phone: +48 574 666 516